Stars of the Northern Hemisphere

The Pleiades cluster enlargement from the poster, click to see a small version of the poster itself. Credit: Ashland Astronomy


Stars of the Northern Hemisphere is the title of a poster available from Ashland Astronomy Studio.

If you are interested in the night sky but don’t know quite where to begin this poster will come in quite useful.  You probably already have a pair of binoculars so using the poster you will quickly be able to identify some great targets.

Along with Over 2,400 stars including the locations of stars with their own planets (extra solar planets), the poster includes enlargements of the Pleiades (above) and Hades star clusters too. If you’ve never looked at the Pleiades through binoculars do it you will be amazed at what you see.  You will be amazed.  Hint, use a lawn chair/recliner/ or air mattress to be comfy.

The constellations, asterisms and notable stars are all named in this 36 by 24 inch poster which is one of the best ones on the market and at a very reasonable price.  So whether for a classroom, bedroom wall or especially to have handy to find interesting things to see in the night sky, this poster is well worth owning.

Visit Ashland Astronomy for more.

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