Is there any alternative medicine against the novel coronavirus? –

As there is no vaccine till now and in the absence of a scientifically proven cure or preventive for novel coronavirus infection, should one use alternative medicine?

One must be going through many forwarded WhatsApp messages that suggests Homeopathy is the antidote or there are multiple advisories from the AYUSH Ministry on coronavirus. Its long list of recommendations includes Unani concoctions Sharbat Unnab and Tiryaq Arba, and the homeopathic medicine Arsenicum Album 30 for post-exposure prophylaxis for doctors and caregivers.

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On all of this, here is what World Health Organization has to say: While some western, traditional or home remedies may provide comfort and alleviate symptoms of COVID-19, there is no evidence that current medicine can prevent or cure the disease. WHO does not recommend self-medication with any medicines, including antibiotics, as a prevention or cure for COVID-19. However, there are several ongoing clinical trials that include both western and traditional medicines.

Doctors are discouraging the use of drugs recommended by practitioners of alternative medicine because a drug has to be developed keeping in mind its safety and efficacy.

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Is there any alternative medicine against the novel coronavirus? -

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