Don’t dare take that handicapped space | Opinion | – Cumberland Times-News

If youve never seen someone park in a handicapped spot, and then watched the driver exit the vehicle with no noticeable handicap, then you can skip this column.

But if youve ever wondered how any human being can abuse the privilege of parking close to the store just because of laziness, then read on.

I am slightly handicapped (I walk with a cane) so I can legitimately use my handicapped placard, but Id wager that for every person using a handicapped sign for good reason there are at least six or seven nefarious individuals (mild language used on purpose) throwing that blue sign up on their mirrors illegally.

Just because they take grandma to the doctors every three months they think that entitles them to use the permit every day.

Ive been observing this phenomenon for decades, but it seems like it is becoming more prevalent.

And since my wife and I do a lot of traveling, I can say with some authority that Allegany County residents are way overrepresented in this sociological sampling. Which means you, your neighbors, or your neighbors friends may very well be lazy cows!

Come on people, are you really that uncaring that you cant park three spaces farther from the door? And just for the record, youre breaking the law.

As the placards clearly state The use of an issued permit by anyone other than the disabled individual is illegal. That seems pretty plain to me, and the translation is if you aint broken, you aint parkin.

My wife says I should be less critical in my assessment of these abusers, since some of them may have unseen medical conditions, like lung problems, heart conditions, phobias, etc. To which I say balderdash.

All right, Im sorry, I do admit that some folks might have legitimate rights to the use of these signs, but if that many people have that many health problems, maybe the Mayo clinic should re-locate here!

I think, honestly, that many handicapped sign abusers really dont think theyre lawbreakers. After all, its just parking in a space in a huge parking lot, so whats the big deal?

Well, I guess its not a big deal; unless you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, or asthma, or use a walker, or have severe cardiac problems, or have blood clots in your legs, or foot problems, or I could go on and on for a long time.

Ive been noticing there are more and more handicapped spaces being reserved around town, and Im not completely sure what is driving it. Is it because we Baby Boomers are all becoming invalids and were all walking with walkers and using wheelchairs?

Or is it simply a matter of more and more people, legal or illegal, are using handicapped placards, ergo, more spaces are needed?

Im not sure, but Im pretty cynical about this issue so Im going with more abusers equals more new spaces.

Heres my plea: Start putting others feelings ahead of your own.

Practice the Golden Rule of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you. Give an old man or a woman a break by leaving a handicapped space open for them. Pay it forward.

And your reward? You wont come out of the store to find an ice pick in your tire!

Bill Crawford is a Cumberland freelance writer. His column appears in the Times-News on the third Sunday of each month.


Don't dare take that handicapped space | Opinion | - Cumberland Times-News

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