Straight Party line vote in Senate: 53 Democrats vote to preserve ObamaCare, 47 Republicans against

Moderate Republicans support Free Market principles

From Eric Dondero:

The Washington Examiner reports "All Senate Dems, including Manchin, vote to protect Obamacare funding":

All Democrats in the U.S. Senate just voted to preserve funding for the national health care law, with the measure being rejected by a 47 to 53 vote straight party line vote.

As the Examiner and other major media sources have noted, at least four Democrat Senators who are vulnerable in next year's elections, voted for the measure to preserve funding. From Doug Gibson, the Political Surf blog:

The four are Sens. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., Claire MacCaskill, D-Mo., Ben Nelson, D-Neb., and Jon Tester, D-Mont. Those four states trend conservative and all four are facing tough races next year.

Of interest to Republicans, every single moderate Republican to their great credit, voted to defund ObamaCare. This includes two well-known moderates who are up for reelection next year and one - Olympia Snowe - who is facing a primary challenge.

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