I’m Ba-a-a-a-a-a-ack!

UPDATE:  SOLVED by Jeff at 12:10

Is everybody ready for us to run another bonus riddle?  Okay, you talked me into it!  We’ll have the bonus riddle ready for your consideration Monday, May the 2nd.  In a few days I’ll put up the bonus riddle rules and a list of who will be eligible to submit guesses.  That means there are just three more chances to get your name on the list.  If you haven’t solved a regular riddle yet this cycle, you might want to work on that.

For today, I think I’ll mess with your minds a little.  I’m taking today’s answer from the SciFi genre, so… GET YOUR GEEK ON!

Atlantic Tall Ships Gallery, this is the "Amazon" in 1861 - author unknown

This does not exist in the “real world”.  Yet.  That we know of.

Very recent experiments with human DNA by a Nobel Prize winning scientist show indications that we may have this potential encoded naturally.

We think of this in relation to modern science fiction, but the idea has actually been kicked around for centuries.

US Gov/CIA educational documents, reported UFO in New Jersey, July 31, 1952 -- enlarges slightly

Some forms of this would cause immense issues in ethics and law.  Really staggering issues.

While other forms of this same thing present no problems whatsoever.

Still, its application would solve a whole boatload of serious problems we’re currently facing.

Gotta' love quantum mechanics!

As a plot device, any third-grader with a taste for SciFi can discuss this.

Although mostly associated with SciFi, it’s not limited to one genre.  You’ll trip over it in works of fantasy, spiritualism, and philosophy.

It’s even shown up in a Disney movie.  Of course, what hasn’t shown up in a Disney movie?

William Shatner as Captain Kirk, Star Trek - image owned by Paramount, all rights reserved

This has been offered as a possible explanation for cases involving cryptozoology and spontaneous human combustion.

Within the past 10 years there has been application made to the United States Patent Office for a device to accomplish this artificially.

If it works, it would be quite the deux ex machina.

Iconic image

Are you intrigued?  Think you already know the answer?  Give it a guess – I’m waiting in the comments!

Reassurance for you from Tom. Don't you all feel better now?

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