Craig Steidle Will Head Commercial Spaceflight Federation (Update)

Rear Admiral Craig Steidle Named President of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation

"The Commercial Spaceflight Federation is pleased to announce that Rear Admiral Craig E. Steidle (U.S. Navy, Ret.) has been named as President, effective May 15. Admiral Steidle was approved for the position by a unanimous vote of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation's board of directors and will serve full-time in this capacity working from the organization's headquarters in downtown Washington, D.C."

Rear Admiral Craig Steidle to lead Commercial Spaceflight Federation, The Hill

"The commercial space industry truly represents the future of America in space, and I'm excited to be a part of it," Steidle said. "This industry is inspiring kids, keeping America economically competitive, creating thousands of jobs, and ensuring our leadership in space. It is a privilege to lead the Federation as we embark on the grandest adventure of the 21st century: opening up space to everyone."

Keith's note: Quite honestly, CSF probably could have done a better job explaining Craig Steidle's selection and the importance thereof. If you check the comments section of this post and you will see that Jim Muncy makes that case quiet eloquently.

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