Budget Battle turns Violent in the other Washington

About 7,000 Socialists take over the Capitol building in Olympia; Protesters try out Funky new Dance moves in the Rotunda

From Eric Dondero:

Washington State is facing a "projected $5.1 billion gap in the state’s 2011-13 operating budget." This has forced even Democrats in the state legislature to back budget cuts. And leftist union protesters, mainly from SEIU and government workers unions, are furious.

17 Protesters were arrested late yesterday after they had pushed right up to the front doors of the upstairs offices of the Governor. They were met by State Troopers, who vigorously pushed them back. One man was arrested on two counts of assault against the Troopers.

From the Spokesman.com "WA Lege Day 89: Rally and budget story":

cuts to programs moved to the floor of the House of Representatives in the mid-afternoon while some demonstrators were still packing up from one of the biggest rallies at the Capitol in years.

And that proposal comes from House Democrats, a group that is normally the most closely aligned with organized labor. House Republicans, who have an alternative budget with about $500 million more in cuts, did not try to swap their spending plan for the Democrats’ proposal when amendments were adopted.

And some evidence that taxpayer revolts, through citizen initiative, may be having a big impact. Continuing:

But even legislators who support the unions’ call for fewer cuts and an end to some tax exemptions say it almost certainly can’t happen this year. Senate Majority Leader Lisa Brown, D-Spokane, said the requirement for any tax increase to have a two-thirds majority which voters re-imposed last November, “would be difficult to obtain.”

Yet Labor leaders are calling for a hike in Taxes. From the Seattle Times:

"We do not have a budget deficit," Jeff Johnson, president of the Washington State Labor Council, one of the rally's main organizers, told the crowd. "We have a social services deficit, we have a jobs deficit, we have a revenue deficit, and we have a deficit of leadership."

More from the Olympian.com "House GOP unveils alternative to Dems' budget plan" two days ago:

"One-party control has stifled the voices of citizens and the consideration of new ideas," said [Rep. Richard] DeBolt of Chehalis. "Whether it's the budget, the economy or other important issues, we want people to know there are alternative solutions on the table in Olympia."

Republicans propose ending state subsidies to the Basic Health Plan, a program for the poor, and all but a small portion of Disability Lifeline, which aids disabled adults...

Like the Democrats, Republican lawmakers proposed deep cuts to higher education. The GOP plan calls for $482 million in reductions.

More protests are expected today. From the conservative blog Sound Politics:

Yesterday a few hundred Labor protestors went to Olympia, and there was violence and arrests. Today about 5,000 of them are expected, along with more violence and arrests.

When the Tea Party is protesting, there's no arrests, no violence. And some of them even bring pitchforks!

So, just a reminder: Labor wants stuff given to them -- taken from other people -- and breaks the law and uses violence if they can't get it. The Tea Party wants to be left alone, and asks peacefully, using the democratic process.

A vote is scheduled for today.

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