Letters to the editor: In response … – Las Cruces Sun-News

Letters to the editor(Photo: iStockphoto)

These letters were published in the Jan. 19 print edition of the Las Cruces Sun-News.

Randy Lynchs op-ed, Minimum wage increases just dont add up,prompts me to respond with a bit of clarity.

First, a minimum wage law is a legal requirement established by the Thirteenth Amendment which abolished slavery and involuntary servitude. The question is not whether, but how.

Next, he segues into the bogus idea of government fixing things which is a ploy used by those who would reduce legal requirements to survival of the dominant.

Finally, he promotes the idea that business owners who are trying to keep their business in the black are victims. Since every business is subjected to the same minimum wage, those which create and operate the most effective enterprises will prosper. Isnt that the American business ideal?

Gordon Hill, Las Cruces

In her Sunday guest column, "My first year in Congress," Xochitl Torres Small bragged about what all she has done for her constituents in Congressional District 2.However, Small left out something big the elephant in the room.Of course, I'm talking about her vote to impeach President Trump.Unbelievably, the congresswoman madeno mention of the single most important act of her career, as well as her biggest mistake.

Small wrote, "I remain committed to putting in the work guided by all my constituents."Really?Then why did she ignore our wishes, and vote forimpeachment anyway?

In this column, Small toots her own horn about what she has done for the folks in her district, but is strangely silent about voting to impeach Donald Trump.I guess she's hopingwewill forget about this despicableactbeforethe next election. But like elephants, Republicanvotershave long memories.And in November we will make sure that this will be Xochitl Torres Small's last year in Congress.

Paul Hoylen, Deming

Mr. Heald says he voted liberal and then spends the rest of his article on Republican talking points.What doestruly high crimes and misdemeanors mean? The prez shoots someone?The prez gets into a barroom brawl?Fraud?Sexual assault?

The Government Accounting Office reviewed the presidents actions and stated that he committed a crime.Eighteenwitnesses corroborated each other regarding this crime.Trump committed extortion of the Ukrainians by withholding federal funds in trade for an announcement of dirt of Biden.That was the presidents sole purpose.This is typical behavior.Over 400 experienced federal trial lawyers said they could maintain a charge of obstruction of justice because the evidence in the Mueller report.Trump has certainly obstructed Congress.There are witnesses such as Mulvaney, Pompeo and Bolton who have first-hand information of Trumps innocence.Trump says no deal.Then there is the actual transcript of the entire conversation with Ukraine that Trump refuses to release because it proves his innocence.

What kind of stupid is required to not understand the nature of Donald Trump?He is corrupt.His charity was a fraud.His university was a fraud.He sold out the Kurds as a favor to a client, Mr. Erdogan, who supported a Trump Tower in Istanbul (2010). Trump wants another Tower in Moscow, which neatly explains his performance at Helsinki and since.

The only question remaining is how will Trumps corruption affect our country in the future.How bad will it get?If Trump loses the election, will he declare it a fraud?Claim the election was stolen?Look at his history.You tell me.

Andrew Wilson, Las Cruces

I'd like to respond to Rick Reynaud. The "right to work laws" have nothing to do with the right to work. They are instead "right to free legal representation" laws, designed to destroy unions. Union employees fought long and hard, and still do, for those wages and benefits that applicants for those jobs covet. Some of those applicants don't feel that they should have to pay the union dues that pays for the lawyers that negotiate their labor contracts and must, by law, represent them in grievance proceedings against the employer for violations against the contract and excessive punishment against the employee when mistakes or accidents happen.

There are many nonunion jobs available in every field the unions represent. If somebody does not wish to pay for their benefits then they should not be allowed in a workplace where others pay, or at least the union should not have to represent them in any work disputes. I paid union dues for 30 years and represented my fellow workers in many grievances for 29 of them. I never lost a grievance. I saved a number of people their jobs and others excessive punishment for infractions because in grievance proceedings the company lawyers agreed that management violated contract terms.

I also had much better health coverage, and enjoy a much better pension, than my managers, and when the company ceased operations in this region, got a much better severance deal than the employees in our nonunion shops. Do you believe that a mechanic should fix your car free, or a doctor should treat you free, or an accountant do your taxes free? Then why should union employees pay for nonunion workers' legal services?

Frederick Zentz, Chaparral

Recently the Sun-News has displayed a number of oil/gas industry op-eds praising the "financial benefits" of their operations in NM. True enough the state government receives substantial revenues from the industry.But it's not all roses.

One characteristic of civilized behavior is refraining from harming others.One characteristic of criminal behavior is harming others, particularly for financial gain.

There is little doubt that pollution of the air, soil and water by oil and gas operations is a danger to life.This health damage results in long term, recurring medical expenses, loss of employment, premature death and other costly side effects.When we deduct these costs, the financial benefits of the oil/gas industry diminish quickly.

Additionally, negligent disregard for human life is a crime.Poisoning is a crime.If the crime is committed by a private individual there are criminal charges filed, followed by severe punishment.If the crime is committed by management using a corporation, the criminal behavior is rarely punished and, if so, by a small fine that is tax deductible.

Not too sure about those benefits.As one executive said: "Keep your Sunday School lessons to yourself, this is a business".

Charles Clements, Las Cruces

It's easy to see why Trump supporters feel that he is "just like one of us." At his rallies when he calls people names or makes fun of them or lashes out at the Democrats, you cheer and applaud him.He loves that. He talks like one of the guys, using language you love hearing, some crude and demeaning.And he talks mostly about himself. No, he is not just like one of you; he's all for the honor and glory of Donald Trump.

If you're fine with him being a liar, bully, vindictive, crass, insensitive; unwilling to take responsibility for his actions or work with the Democrats; thinks he is king but acts and talks like a mob boss; demoralizes the institutions of our government; and feels he is above the law then you are not showing allegiance to the United States but to a cult personality.

And if you accept the fact that he is void of character, humility, compassion, warmth, morals and honor then you have every right to say "he's just like one of us."

For those of you who wear shirts that read: "I'd rather be Russian than a Democrat" be careful what you wish for.Putin is watching.Take a look into your souls and ask yourself: Is this who America is?

Theodore Roosevelt once said:"Character in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike."There is a resident of Las Cruces who once described Trump "as a breath of fresh air."I wonder if she really believes that now.

Carolyn Christy, Las Cruces

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Letters to the editor: In response ... - Las Cruces Sun-News

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