Wisconsin Leftist charged with making death threats to Republican Senators

Threatens GOPers "You will be killed"

From Eric Dondero:

The 15 Republican State Senators who voted for Governor Scott Walker's government union reform bill received death threats from a 26-year old elementary school teacher via email. Yesterday, she was formally charged.

From the Wisconsin State-Journal:

Katherine R. Windels, 26, of Cross Plains faces two felony bomb scare counts and two misdemeanor counts of sending a computer message threatening injury or harm.

According to a criminal complaint filed in Dane County Circuit Court, Windels sent threatening emails to 15 Republican senators on March 9 that began: "Please put your things in order because you will be killed and your families will also be killed due to your actions in the last 8 weeks."

She also sent a separate email to Sen. Robert Cowles, R-Green Bay, the same day threatening to put "a nice little bullet in your head" and claiming to have placed several bombs in his house and car, as well as at the state Capitol, the complaint states.

Liberal County Prosecutor "dragged his feet"

Reuters reports:

[She] faces a maximum penalty of three and a half years in state prison on each of the two most serious charges -- both felonies -- that she threatened to destroy property with explosives.

Dane County District Attorney Ismael Ozanne is the prosecutor on the case. According to News Radio 620 WTMJ, Ozanne originally believed that she "did not present an imminent threat."

UndergroundConservative adds:

Apparently the Dane County DA’s office was dragging its heels in issuing charges in the case. Yes, folks, this is the same DA that filed the lawsuit against the budget repair bill.

Note - State Senator Frank Lasee (photo top) of the Green Bay area, one of the 15 GOP Senators threatened, is a longtime libertarian Republican, friend of the Libertarian Party, and advisory board member for the Republican Liberty Caucus.

See related LR article Nov. 2010 - "Big Win in Wisconsin: Frank Lasee elected to State Senate.

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