Staten Island Boy harasses a Muslim Girl: Turns out he’s a Muslim too

Truly Bizarre!

From Eric Dondero:

The story broke yesterday morning. The liberal media had a field day, headlining that a Muslim girl was harassed in school. A classmate, who had a long history of disobedience and taunting girls, reached over and tried to take off her hijab off her head.

Late in the day though, the full story came out, thanks to the NY Post:

The Staten Island terror charged with viciously bashing a young female middle-school classmate while demanding to know "Are you a Muslim?" is himself the son of a Muslim woman, his dad revealed today.

"How could a Muslim have another hate crime against a Muslim?" asked Frank Davies, 32, about his son Osman Daramay.

Davies added that while the family does not regularly attend a mosque, they pray at home, and that Osman joins in those Islamic prayers with his Muslim mom, Agnes Daramay.

A woman who identified herself to The Post as Osman's mother last night said, "I know my son is a good boy. He's a kid, he made a mistake.

Osman, who has a history of disciplinary problems at the school, yesterday allegedly began assaulting the Muslim girl just outside the school building with a 13-year-old female accomplice, and tried to rip off the victim's hijab headdress covering her hair while yelling, "Are you a Muslim?" authorities said.

And ironically, the kid called her a "terrorist," while he was hitting her. She suffered a cut lip.

The Post has a photo of the boy being led away in handcuffs.

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