NeoCon Karl Rove blasts libertarian Republican Donald Trump over Birth Certificate stance

He's increasingly "marginalized"

From Eric Dondero:

Both Donald Trump and Karl Rove appeared on O'Reilly last night. Trump pronounced his view that Obama needs to show his birth certificate. After his appearance Rove slammed him over his stance, implying that it's a minority view within the GOP.


"The right wing base of the Republican party, I'm part of that right wing base, is not in love with the issue of birthers. I mean, there is an element inside the Republican party, and outside the Republican party, that's fallen in love with this but the majority of Republicans and the vast majority of Americans accept is he a U.S. citizen capable of being president.

You know, the troubling thing in the interview tonight was he said as time has gone on here, over the last couple of weeks, he has become more interested and more believing in the issue. You know, when he first brought it up, he said 'of course I accept that he's a citizen. He ought to just release the, release his birth certificate.' Different tone tonight. This is a mistake. It will marginalize him and he's falling into Barack Obama's trap. Barack Obama wants Republicans to fall into this trap because he knows it discredits us with the vast majority of the American people when they do."

42% of Americans now want Obama to prove his eligibility

Yet another survey has come out showing that a majority of Americans want Obama to show his birth certificate.

From Wentzel Strategies, (via WND):

"Half of those surveyed said they believe these questions about Obama's legitimacy as president are either troubling or should be satisfied by Obama. In fact, more people want Obama to prove his legitimacy – 42 percent – than believe that the lingering questions are not valid – 32 percent," Wenzel said.

The survey showed 41.9 percent say Obama should prove his birth story, including 60.9 percent of independents, 58.6 percent of Republicans and 13.2 percent of Democrats.

Another 7.9 percent say the questions are troubling.

Only 26 percent strongly opposed the release of the records. Nearly 50 percent strongly favored release and another 17 percent said the president should release the records.

The poll was conducted March 15 - 17 with "1,095 respondents, was conducted March 15-17 and carries a confidence interval of 95 percent and a margin of error of +/- 2.93 percentage points."

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