BLOCKBUSTER POLL RESULT!! 51% of Americans now unsure Obama Born in the USA

From Eric Dondero:

Amazing poll numbers just coming out from liberal-leaning CNN. Seems Donald Trump may be on to something. 51% of Americans now say that they are unsure whether or not Obama was indeed born in the United States.

CNN/Opinion Research Birther Survey (pdf):

Do you think Barack Obama was definitely born in the United States, probably born in the United States, probably born in another country, or definitely born in another country?

•Definitely born in U.S. 46%
•Probably born in the U.S. 26%
•Probably born in another country 15%
•Definitely born in another country 10%

"Birtherism"; fringe no more?

Editor's comment - Of course, many of us were "Birthers," before being a Birther was cool.

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