Small victory for Liberty in Florida Senate: Red Light Camera ban passes Committee

From Eric Dondero:

Columnist Karl Dickey of Broward County reports that SB672 to ban red light cameras passed through a Senate Committee yesterday with a vote of 4 to 2. Though, there is an important caveat; not all Republican legislators support the measure.

From the Naples News:

A bill that would effectively ban all red-light running cameras in Florida – reversing a law passed just last year – cleared its first hurdle Tuesday afternoon.

Senate Bill 672, which is sponsored by Sen. Rene Garcia, R-Hialeah [photo], squeaked through the Transportation Committee on a 4 to 2 vote. However, its chances of actually becoming law are far from assured.

At least two of the Republicans on the committee who voted for the bill said they are supportive of the cameras, and only voted to move the bill along because they thought it deserved further hearing.

Vicki Kirkland, Chair of the Libertarian Party of Florida Chair, said this morning:

"We are proud of the hundreds of our members who contacted their state legislators and members of the transportation committee to move this legislation forward. There is a growing wave of opposition to the cameras by citizens for both safety and constitutional reasons and it is inspiring to know we are having a positive impact."

Dickey adds:

The Libertarian Party of Florida does not condone drivers to run red lights at intersections and encourages local governments to make intersections safer by extending the yellow light by one second and increasing the time from red to green for cross traffic.

The Libertarian Party is urging Florida libertarians to contact their legislators. More info

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