It’s official! Gary Johnson to announce in late April

Marijuana Legalization still at the top of his Agenda

From Eric Dondero:

Fox News is reporting that libertarian Republican former Governor Gary Johnson will announce his candidacy for president sometime in late April. He will skip the traditional Exploratory Committee route, and go straight to New Hampshire.

Fox News has learned the former Governor of New Mexico will announce his candidacy, for President of the United States in late April. Johnson insiders say he will bypass the exploratory stage, announce his candidacy and immediately travel to New Hampshire sometime after tax day, April 15.

Strategists say his libertarian approach to GOP politics may prove very popular in the Granite State, whose motto is "Live Free or Die."

And he's not backing down on his drug war stance.

He does not see his stand on issues like marijuana legalization as detriments to a potential GOP nominee. "It's just one in a series of cost-benefits. What are we spending our money on and what are we getting for the money we're spending. Half of the money we're spending on the courts and law enforcement and prisons is drug related. And what are we getting for that? Well, we're arresting 1.8-million people a year in this country, which is just staggering when you considering the population of New Mexico is 1.8-million."

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