Canadian McGill Univ. Terrorist threats controversy has a libertarian connection

"My blood is boiling. I want to shoot everyone in this room"

From Eric Dondero:

A Muslim student in Canada, Haaris Khan, recently posted highly threatening messages on his Twitter account against Jews. More information is coming out about the incident, and it now appears libertarians might have also been a target.

From McCleans:

Earlier this month, Khan had attended a screening of documentary Indoctrinate U that was hosted by student groups Conservative McGill and Libertarian McGill. The film alleges that American universities are biased against conservative ideas. During the screening, attended by around 20 people, Khan posted several messages to his Twitter that others viewed as threatening. One message read, “I want to shoot everyone in this room,” while another stated, “I should have brought an M16.”

And this from the National Post:

“I want to shoot everyone in this room,” a McGill University student recently announced using his online Twitter feed, claiming he had surreptitiously “infiltrated” what was in fact an open film screening of Indoctrinate U, hosted by Conservative McGill and Libertarian McGill. “I should have brought an M16,” read another of his messages. In short toxic tweets, the student called the conservative gathering “a Zionist meeting” and a “Satanist ritual,” while sprinkling in insults about Jews.

Evan Maloney the producer of the film said (via Savoir ou se faire avoir blog):

“Its ironic that tame, political speech can get you in trouble and yet when you issue death threats against a group of right-of-center students, that’s not something a university is going to punish.”

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