Perigee “Super Moon” Beauty Shots

Did you get a chance to look at the rising “super moon”?  From what I’ve seen, it’s definitely living up to its expectation.  Take a look at this NASA image, shot as the moon was rising beside the Lincoln Memorial:

NASA full perigee moon over Washington DC - the Lincoln Memorial

Now, if  THAT didn’t make your jaw drop, these next two surely will:

Full perigee moon - Harry Mason, all rights reserved (image used with permission) - great enlargement, too


Full moon superimposed over perigee full moon - Harry Mason, all rights reserved, (image used with permission) - check out the enlargement

These images are courtesy of their author, Harry Mason.  That gorgeous full moon shot was taken 03/19/11 at 12:51am, and the earlier full moon used to show the difference in sizes was taken 01/18/11 at about 6pm.  Both shots were taken with Harry’s hand-held Cannon SX200IS.  I spent a lot of time on Harry’s website, looking at the world through his eyes.  I’d recommend the trip.

Thanks for letting me use the images, Harry.  I’m seriously impressed, and looking forward to your future work.

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