The Biggest Full Moon in Years!

Ok so it's not full but it is one of mine LOL.


We have a full moon coming in a couple of days.  Be sure to have a look and when you do, you might think the moon seems larger than normal.  Guess what?  You’d be right!  It is going to be the biggest full moon in years and this isn’t some stupid hoax.

Once about every 18 years the moon reaches perigee about one hour away from being full and this is the year and the 19th is the date.  Perigee? Perigee is just a term indicating the moon is as close to Earth as it gets in the natural order of things.  Yes, it will actually make the tides a bit higher but no need to panic it’s not going to make THAT much difference.  I mean the moon is still 221,567 miles away (356,577 km).

Here’s a video from Science@NASA:


Click here to view the embedded video.

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