Valley Voice: East Coachella Valley residents, speak out for a healthier environment – The Desert Sun

Lesly Figueroa and Rebecca Zaragoza, Special to The Desert Sun Published 11:51 a.m. PT Sept. 16, 2019

Javier Ramos carries empty water bottles to refill in order to avoid drinking contaminated tap water at his mobile home in Thermal.(Photo: Omar Ornelas/ The Desert Sun)

The eastern Coachella Valley stands to benefit from a pair of Sacramento decisions. Now the state needs to hear from local residents.

In April, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Executive Order N-10-10. It directs the California Natural Resources Agency, the California Environmental Protection Agencyand the California Department of Food and Agriculture to recommend actions to help create climate-resilient water systems and healthy waterways as part of Californias Water Resilience Portfolio Initiative. This is a major step toward sustainable and equitable access to this precious resource during this climate crisis.

Earlier this summer, after 10 years of organizing, community members and organizations celebrated the signing of SB 200 by Gov. Newsom in the central valley community of Tombstone. Known as the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund, SB 200 establishes a mechanism that creates a stable, ongoing fund to support disadvantaged communities affected by lack of access to safe and affordable drinking water. More than 1 million Californians across the state will benefit.

This means new opportunities for a better future locally. The unincorporated communities of Thermal, Oasis, Mecca, and North Shore have unique challenges that require meaningful investment. Weve consistently fought alongside residents to demand recognition and support. Continued lack of investment, however often intentional by those in powerfurther limits the region's growth and sustainability.

The state's moves open up more opportunities for extension of drinking water service, operations and maintenance for domestic wells, and even demands action for Salton Sea conservation. The myriad issues east valley residents face are exacerbated by the public health impacts of the receding Salton Sea.

We have an opportunity to really tell the state what it should be doing better, by first prioritizing residents around the sea, improving air quality with stronger mitigation measures, and challenging environmental racism and injustice.

Meanwhile, "Polanco Parks" are in especially great need. Many Polancos are small, family-owned mobile home parks served by domestic wells and septic systems which are often unreliable and costly to maintain. Most park residents cannot drink their water. Arsenic levels continue to increase and no amount of filters or reverse osmosis will solve this problem.

Some question the limited growth and investment in the east valley. The answer is complicated, but a main focus must be the lack of water and wastewater infrastructure. Growth and an enhanced built environment cannot be achieved without appropriate infrastructure.

The real solution lies in consolidation. Thats precisely what SB 200 can do. Working-class park owners face too many financial challenges, but are still asked to pay for such consolidation. This is unrealistic, inequitableand classist.

What role does community play in shaping the state's Water Resilience Portfolio Initiative? Community input is key in ensuring community water challenges are written into policies that will enhance resident quality of life.

On Sept. 19, at 6 p.m., the State Water Resource Control Board will host an outreach meeting in the San Jose Community Center, 69-455 Pierce Street, in Thermal.Well be talking about safe and affordable drinking water, protection for fish and wildlife, implementing sustainable groundwater lawsand adopting new and innovative technologies for the sustainability of water systems. We hope to see community members, owners of mobile home parksand allies join in to discuss solutions to the east valley's urgent environmental and water issues.

Rebecca Zaragoza(Photo: Courtesy)

Lesly Figueroa(Photo: Courtesy)

Rebecca Zaragoza and Lesly Figueroa are with Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability in Indio, which works to elevate social justice issues and improve conditions for residents of the eastern Coachella Valley. Email them at and

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Valley Voice: East Coachella Valley residents, speak out for a healthier environment - The Desert Sun

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