Nanny-Stater NY Democrat arrested on Federal Bribery charges

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy

From Eric Dondero:

Brooklyn Democrat State Senator Carl Kruger is off to jail. He faces multiple counts of bribery.

It was just a month and a half ago, that we reported here at LR:

Democrat legislator in New York wants to outlaw walking while listening to an iPod

From the Washington Examiner, "Nanny State targets cell phone use on sidewalk" Jan. 26:

New York State Sen. Carl Kruger (D) would have people walk down the sidewalk to an intersection listening to their iPod, stop at the intersection, pause their music (because they can't see the crosswalk sign with headphones covering their ears), cross the street and turn their music back on. (Would they have to take their headphones out after pausing their music?)

The legislation also covers cell phones and mp3 players.

Now this from the NY Post "B'klyn Sen. Kruger will surrender to face corruption charges":

State Sen. Carl Kruger, a powerful Brooklyn Democrat, will surrender to federal authorities Thursday to face corruption charges along with an Upper West Side lobbyist, sources told the Post.

Kruger been under investigation since 2007 by Brooklyn federal prosecutors, who are probing allegations that he performed official acts in exchange for campaign donations.

But that still-ongoing probe is not related to the charges that Kruger, the ranking Democrat on the Senate’s Finance Committee, will face today in Manhattan federal court, sources told The Post.

The Post goes on to report that the FBI had set up a sting operation with an informant to get Kruger on tape. The Brooklyn Rep. can be heard making a pay-for-play deal for cash. Continuing:

A Democratic political operative told The Post, “Everyone knows that Carl has been using his post to take money for years, so this isn’t surprising. What’s more surprising is that it didn’t happen 10 years ago.”

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