More Muslim Violence against Coptic Christians in Egypt

Priest stabbed to death in his Home

From Eric Dondero:

We have been following the story of the continuing violence by Muslims on Christians in Egypt since the downfall of Mubarak.

See LR "Reports... At least 11 Christians killed by Muslim extremists in Egypt, including Children" Feb. 3.

Now this, from the Winnipeg Free Press "Coptic Christian priest killed in Egypt" Feb. 25:

ASSIUT, Egypt - A Coptic Christian priest has been killed in southern Egypt, triggering street demonstrations by several thousand Christians.

The priest was found dead in his home. A fellow clergyman, Danoub Thabet, says his body had several stab wounds. He says neighbours reported seeing several masked men leaving the apartment and shouting "Allahu akbar," or "God is great," suggesting the killing was motivated by the divide between Egypt's Muslims and its minority Coptic community.

The American media is giving very scant coverage to this story.

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