The English Language school, Student Visa scam

Taxpayers subsidizing Foreign Students to come to the US

"Several of the 9/11 hijackers used the student visa program to get into the United States"

From Eric Dondero:

In recent years, many faux english language schools have been set up nationwide, used as a means to get immigrants into the country by legitimate means.

As this 2010 report indicates, in a South Florida school as many as "95% of all applicants" were fraudulant. The school was set up as nothing less than a front to process student visas so that illegal immigrants could get into the country.

Are accredited universities and colleges any different?

We have now learned that Saudi Muslim terrorist Khalid Al-M Aldawsari spent a short while at a language school at Vanderbilt Univ. in Tennessee, before heading to Lubbock, Texas to attend Texas Tech. He first attended the impressive sounding TTU college of engineering. But a short while thereafter, he dropped out and tranferred to a less rigorous 2-year community college nearby to "study business."

According to this report from UNLV the Saudi government gives scholarships to study english in the US "by thousands of Saudi students annually."

Nationally, over 55,000 foreign students come to the US each year to study English as a Second Language, (source:

Incredibly, many of this state-subsidized colleges and universities such as Harvard, Amherst and MIT give away free financial aid to these foreign students. See a full list from, of colleges who offer such taxpayer-subsidized assistance.

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