EGYPT: Coptic Christians excluded from Constititonal committee

Iranian Warships now passing through Suez

From Eric Dondero:

A sign of things to come, perhaps? The Muslim Brotherhood has a prominent place on the committee set up by the Egyptian military to review the constitution, and suggest changes. At the same time, Christian Copts and women have been completely shut out.

From AFP, (via News24) "Copts criticise Egypt constitution panel":

"Millions of Copts object to the committee formed by the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces," Nagib Gibrail, head of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights, said in a statement.

"The inclusion of elements from the Muslim Brotherhood without any Copt negates the principles of the January 25 revolution, in which Coptic and Muslim blood intermingled," the statement said.

In related news... Pundit Press is reporting (via Reuters) that Iranian warships are now passing through the Suez.

Not even a week after the resignation of Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak, the region is again becoming more tense. This time the trouble emanates from the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is sending warships through the Suez Canal, right near Israel.

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