Texas Gov. Rick Perry takes a big leap to full-blown libertarianism

Get rid of FDR's New Deal, Social Security un-needed

From Eric Dondero:

Rick Perry appears to have turned into a libertarian superman overnight. He's on a book tour for his “Fed Up! Our Fight to Save America from Washington." And in interviews Perry doesn't hold back. He's calling Social Security a giant Ponzi Scheme; he says that FDR's New Deal was a huge failure; and he even hints that on some level taxation may be a form of theft.

From MySanAntonio.com "Perry calls Social Security bankrupt 'Ponzi scheme'":

Perry took on the federal government, from health care reform to Social Security. Perry pushed for a repeal of Obama's health care legislation “in its entirety.”

“You can't go through this piece by piece. You need to repeal it in its entirety,” he said. “Then let's have them start anew from the premise that the states can better handle these questions.”

Perry criticized President Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal and an early 20th-century “progressive era” movement that “gave the federal government access to our wallets via taxation.”

Calling the New Deal “a glut of federal programs,” Perry said the creation of the Social Security system did very little to end the Great Depression.

“Unfortunately, the New Deal has essentially become the third rail of American politics that indiscriminately kills the political careers of any leader bold enough to criticize it or any program it created,” he said.

In a post-speech news conference, Perry further attacked Social Security — as he did in his book “Fed Up! Our Fight to Save America from Washington” — and said he did so to create a “national dialogue.”

“I want people to be afraid not to talk about that Social Security is bankrupt and is a Ponzi scheme and if you've got a young 20-something-year-old, they know for a fact that they're not ever going to see that,” he said. “So let's fix it.”

In early 2009, Perry got in a bit of hot water for suggesting at a Tea Party rally that seccession was a possibile course of action for Texas, if Obama and the Democrats went too far.

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