Scrubbed Again

The source of the leak is the GUCP. Credit: NASA

The shuttle mission is scrubbed again and this time until November 30th at the earliest.

The problem was a leak at the Ground Umbilical Carrier Plate (GUCP) where the external tank and an external 17 inch pipe are attached. Essentially the 17 inch lines is a vent pipe to carry gaseous hydrogen safely away from the shuttle and burned off so as not to cause a problem.  Hydrogen is VERY flammable.

The leak was termed “significant” by shuttle launch director Mike Leinbach. It is similar to leaks on STS-119 and 127 except the rate of leakage was higher.  The problem was noted during the tanking process so now the tank needs to be drained and the vapors inside rendered inert before technicians can take a look, the process should take about 20 hours.

By Saturday they should have a pretty good handle on what is going on. The Mission Management Team will meet and decide if there might be a possibility of a Monday launch.  I know, I know, I said the 30th, but something tells me that will still be the case.  Besides for those of you that have followed my more recent predictions concerning the shuttle KNOW now that I’ve said that, to be watching the news on Monday!

No matter, better safe than sorry I say.

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