Small business owners favor GOP by overwhelming numbers

Suddenly feeling more optimistic about the economy with Republican gains on the horizon

From, "Small Business Owners Feeling More Optimistic and Republican," Oct. 27:

Small business economic confidence rebounded in October as more small business owners reported that economic conditions for their businesses and for the country have improved, according to a new poll that also found small business owners favoring a Republican-controlled Congress in the midterm elections.

" this politically charged atmosphere, small business owners are likely in a holding pattern with the rest of us to see how the economy responds after Election Day," said Ryan Scully, director of Discover's business card. "When we asked small business owners whether there would be a greater impact on the economy if Republicans win control of Congress or Democrats remain the majority, they leaned in the direction of having a change."

When it comes to the economy, small business owners believe a Republican-controlled Congress would have a greater impact: 51 percent of small business owners say it would be better for the GOP to control Congress, 39 percent said it's better for Democrats to remain in control, and 12 percent aren't sure.

Forty-nine percent of small business owners would choose the Republican candidate if the elections were held today, 38 percent would vote for the Democrat...

The Republican Party comes out on top when it comes to which political party is better at understanding the needs of small business owners, a gap that has widened in the past two years: In October, 45 percent of small business owners gave the nod to Republicans, 30 favored Democrats...

Note - National Fed. of Independent Businessmen (NFIB), has endorsed over 200 candidates nationwide. All of them, with one exception, are Republicans. See the full list at

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