State of Connecticut reverses ruling – WWE dress now okay at polling places


Republican Party fights for the right to dress as one pleases

From Eric Dondero:

The Linda McMahon campaign for US Senate, joined by the Republican Party of Connecticut objected strongly to a recent ruling by the Secretary of State that voters could not come into polling places dressed in Wrestling-oriented clothing.

From CNN "Connecticut secretary of state says WWE apparel OK at polling places" Oct. 26:

World Wrestling Entertainment chief Vince McMahon filed a lawsuit Tuesday against Connecticut's secretary of state after she said poll workers should enforce a state law banning campaign material, including clothing, within 75 feet of the entrance to a polling place.

"On behalf of myself, my company, WWE fans and any Connecticut citizen who wants to exercise their constitutional right to vote, I have filed a lawsuit today asserting that Bysiewicz's directive that allows poll workers to refuse registered voters wearing WWE merchandise the right to vote is a flagrant act of censorship and discrimination," said McMahon in a written statement.

"On what grounds does Bysiewicz base this ridiculous act of voter intimidation?" asked Republican State Party Chairman Chris Healy last week.

The SOS, a Democrat, says her original ruling was "mis-construed." CNN makes no mention of Ms. Bysiericz's party affiliation in their report.

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