One Sharron Angle supporter outside debate nails it; compares Reid and his supporters to Soviet and East Bloc regimes

"Workers of the World" unite for Harry Reid

From Eric Dondero:

The Las Vegas Review-Journal reports that hundreds of protesters on both sides lined up outside of the debate hall Thursday night. The paper describes Reid supporters as "an organized force made up mostly of party volunteers and union members." The Unions handed out professionally printed signs, and even burgers to their participants.

In sharp contrast the Sharron Angle supporters on the other side of the street were loosely organized individual grass roots activists. They carried homemade signs.

One of the Angle supporters was interviewed, and compared the scene to what she saw in the old Soviet bloc.

From the Las Vegas Review-Journal, "Crowd as polarized as the candidates: Reid, Angle supporters hold spirited protest" Oct. 15:

The Angle group was smaller and more spontaneous.

Las Vegas resident Rita Hickey was living in West Berlin when the Wall divided the city. The 63-year-old said she grew up surrounded by socialism and watched as people on the other side lost their lives trying to tunnel and climb their way out.

Clad in an Angle T-shirt, holding a sign and wearing an anti-Reid placard around her neck, Hickey said she now sees signs of socialism in America that remind her of what she witnessed before the Wall came down.

"It was an oppressed regime, and that's what I'm seeing here now," Hickey said. "I see what's going on here with socialized medicine and the government being involved in every aspect of people's lives. It frightens me."

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