Controversy Over Bolden’s China Trips Continues

NASA Chief's Trip to China Sparks Controversy,

"NASA chief Charles Bolden is preparing to visit Chinese space authorities. But the trip has met opposition from some lawmakers over its intent to continue a dialogue on human spaceflight cooperation between the U.S. and China."

NASA Administrator's China visit draws congressional ire, Nature

"I do not believe it is appropriate for the Administrator to meet with any Chinese officials until Congress is fully briefed on the nature and scope of Mr. Bolden's trip," said one of the congressmen, John Culberson (R-TX), in a 12 October letter addressed to President Obama."

NASA boss to land in China, Global Times

"Although it has been impossible for the two sides to work out any substantive agree-ments, the visit could pave the way for possible future cooperation," Hu Yumin, a senior researcher at the China Arms Control and Disarmament Association, told the Global Times Thursday. "The US, a leader in space technology, possibly conceives cooperation with China as helpful to addressing obstacles in future US space projects," he said. "Many scientists in both countries have longed for cooperation between China and the US. Bolden's trip will not only cement bilateral cooperation but also increase trust between the two countries," he added. In an exclusive interview with the Global Times in January, Bolden said that, as a former astronaut, he advocated international cooperation in space that could benefit humankind and that he preferred collaboration over conflict with China."

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