Department of Medicine College of Medicine University …

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All internists are at heart a strange mix of both detective and engineer. We are attracted to Internal Medicine in the first place because we are detectives, we want to solve problems, and the problems we want to solve are what makes people sick, because it hurts us when someone suffers, when someone presents with a complex of symptoms that causes them pain. We cannot help ourselves, when faced with someone who is hurting we cannot help but respond, to investigate. Why is this happening? we ask ourselves, late at night, laying bed, why? Driving into work early in the morning, while it is still dark, tell me you have not done this; of course you have, you are in Internists. This drives you, it makes you crazy, the not knowing, not able to understand why. This is the heart of an Internist.

But there is another part to your heart, if you are an Internist. This is the part that, when you finally understand the reason for the suffering, you want to attack it, you want to fix it. Once you understand the reason for the problem, you and I cannot rest until it is fixed. Read More...

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Department of Medicine College of Medicine University ...

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