LA Times Story on the New Atheist/”Accommodationist” Showdown in LA | The Intersection

I guess there were some reporters in the crowd for my debate on Friday with PZ Myers and Victor Stenger (and with Eugenie Scott, who was in my broad camp). Here’s from an LA Times story that just appeared:

With that background, and with the legacy of 9/11 providing impetus to those who see religious fundamentalism as a threat, there was a sense of urgency at the Biltmore conference about finding the right approach. Should nonbelievers confront the religious or try to get along?

Even “accommodationist” atheists are not known for mincing words, and although there were periodic reminders that those at the gathering shared “99% of our intellectual DNA,” as author Chris Mooney put it, the disagreements were not exactly gentle.

When Mooney, a leading voice for accommodation, said there was nothing to stop a nonreligious person from being spiritual, Myers’ reaction was nearly physical. “Whenever we start talking about spirituality,” he said, “I just want to puke.”

Mooney said nonbelievers need to pick their fights and to form alliances with religious people who share their views on particular subjects, such as the importance of stem cell research.

I’m pleased that my sound bite about how we share “99 percent of our intellectual DNA” got in there, because it was central to my message. And while there’s certainly still a sharp debate here, my sense at the conference is that it’s actually turning somewhat healthier, more dialogue-like.

That’s a good thing.

You can read the full LA Times story here. Meanwhile, the next episode of Point of Inquiry, which should be available shortly, will have much more about this….

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