Jamaican American for US Senate in New York on Anti-Prohibition Party ticket

Served in Republican Mayor Rudy Giuliani's adminstration

"Tax pot, not people." says Vivia Morgan

Vivia Morgan, mother, activist, union member and former Mayoral Aide is the first Jamaican-American to run for the US Senate in American history. Morgan announced today she will file 15,000 signatures with the state board of elelctions to run as an Independent candidate for the US Senate against Kirsten Gillibrand ( D-NY). Morgan is running on the Anti-Prohibition party ticket of Kristin Davis who is running for Governor.

"The Democrats and Republicans have nominated all-white, largely male tickets" said Morgan" They do not represent New York. There ought to be at least one black face for state-wide office on the November ballot".

Morgan is best known as the host of "The Vivia Morgan Show" on the Brooklyn Community Media Network which explored the impact of Caribbean art and music on the American Culture. Morgan lives in Brooklyn with her son, Negus Shawn Clark.Morgan worked in Mayor Rudy Giuliani administration in the Mayor's Office of Film Production.

'People from the West Indies must organize to make sure we get our share of the American Pie" said Morgan " We will not settle for failing schools, poor housing and the lack of jobs and opportunity at the same time we are paying the highest taxes in the nation.

New York Libertarians now going with Kristin Davis's Anti-Prohibition Party

"I am gratified by the thousands of Jamaican American and West Indian voters who have signed my petitions to get on the ballot "said Morgan who left the Libertarian party to run with Davis. Morgan said she financed her own ballot petition drive.

Vivia Morgan has a straight-forward platform- the Anti-Prohibition Party Platform, she opposes the current prohibition of marijuana.

"I want to legalize,regulate and tax marijuana. Marijuana is an harmless herb used for centuries. Alcohol is legal and does far more damage to people and society." said Morgan." Legalizing marijuana will bring millions in new taxes instead of asking us for more. I say tax pot not people".

"New York is the marijuana arrest capitol of the United States" said Morgan' "We are wasting millions arresting people for a non-violent, harmless crime." said Morgan " We could be using this money to educate and feed people".

"Let's Legalize Casinos. New York loses nearly $1 Billion of gambling money that goes out of state for entertainment. Let's keep those jobs and tax revenues here " said Morgan ."Bring in Steve Wynn or Donald Trump and make Roosevelt Island a casino resort."

"We need jobs and economic opportunity for all people. Taxes are killing the average family while super-wealthy people don't pay their fair share." said Morgan." I want to cut taxes on working people and small businesses to create jobs" said Morgan who has started two small food services companies.

To Learn more about Vivia Morgan's campaign for the US Senate go to http://morgan4ussenate.com/home

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