Birth Tourism could lead to Birth Terrorism says Texas lawmaker

From Eric Dondero:

Congressman Louie Gohmert is best known for his libertarian streak on taxes. Gohmert has been pushing an idea for a Tax Holiday to reignite the stalled economy. Individuals would not have to pay any taxes to the federal government for a full two months. He's also joined with libertarian Republican Congressman Ron Paul of a nearby district, to advocate for the abolishment of the Estate Tax.

Now he's joining his friend Ron Paul on another issue: Illegal Immigration. Paul has been a longtime advocate of ending what's been dubbed, "anchor babies." He said in an ad in his 2008 campaign:

"Physically secure the border. No amnesty. No welfare to illegal aliens. End birthright citizenship. No more student visas from terrorist nations."

But Rep. Gohmert has taken Rep. Paul's reasoning one step further; Muslim women who come to he United States on a temporary VISA with the expressed intention of having a baby, so that they could join the Jihad against America as sleeper agents.

He was on Anderson Cooper's 360 last night and said the following:

GOHMERT: It first came to my attention when some of us were traveling to the Middle East last August, a year ago, and a lady on the plane was telling one of our group that they were about to have their second granddaughter and her husband was with Hamas, her grand -- I'm sorry, her son-in-law was with Hamas and that they were going to do with the second as they did with the first grandchild. The daughter is going to come to America right before it's born on a tourist visa and have baby.

They just like the option of having American citizens in the family. Hamas, we recognize as terrorists. They are coming over -- and oh, she added as a real kicker -- and you know what the best part of it is? We don't have to pay anything for the baby to be born.

Cooper wasn't having anything of it. He consistently interupted the Congressman, and did not allow him to finish his points.

You can see the full transcript at CNN.

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