Harry Reid: Hispanics shouldn’t be in the Republican Party

From Eric Dondero:

In what some have interpreted as a shot at Republican nominee for Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval, who happens to be running against Rory Reid, Harry Reid's son, Reid, Sr. said the following yesterday at a campaign stop:

“I don’t know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican, OK? Do I need to say more?” — Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), August 10, 2010

Sandoval is of Mexican heritage.

Meanwhile, RedState reports that another Hispanic Republican called Reid's charge "ridiculous," and "outrageous."

Marco Rubio on Fox News via RedState:

There’s only one economic system in the world that’s proved possible time and time again, and that’s the American free enterprise system. And the reason why Americans of Hispanic descent should be Republicans is because the Democratic leadership is trying to dismantle the American free enterprise system–the only system in the world where parents like mine, who work hard and play by the rules, can give their children the opportunities they themselves did not have.

Sandoval is currently way ahead of Rory Reid; latest poll by 19%. If elected he will become America's first Hispanic Republican Governor.


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