UK Muslim Cleric threatens West’s destruction after Comedian cracks G-String joke

From Eric Dondero:

Londoner Jeremy Clarkson cracked on Muslim women in a recent TV appearance. He said that one had fallen over on the street in front of his Taxi at Picadilly, and showed she was wearing G-String undies.

This brought a death threat from famed Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary. From the Daily Star Aug. 1:

“He has angered many young believers of Islam and he may face repercussions.

“There are a growing number of young Islamic fundamentalists in this country and many are ready to cause violence to protect Islam.

“I would urge Clarkson to make a full and public apology to those he has mistakenly offended. Otherwise his safety could be at risk.”

Choudary went on to predict the eventual downfall of the West under Muslim domination.

“Clarkson has stirred a hornets’ nest among young Islamic fundamentalists. He has fanned the flames of their cause. I believe that one day Britain, and indeed every part of the world, will be governed by and under the authority of the Muslims implementing Islamic Law.

“And it will happen. It may come peacefully. But it may come through a holy war that will see rivers of blood on the streets. Clarkson has brought this day closer.”

(H/t Weasel Zippers)

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