Riddle Countdown; Two To Go

UPDATE:  SOLVED by Steve at 12:33 CDT

Good morning, everyone.  I hope everyone has had a good week, and that you’re all refreshed and ready to riddle.  I’d love to add your name to the bonus riddle list.  If you’re new to the riddles, the people who solve the weekly riddles get first crack at the bonus riddle.  Yesterday’s post gives the riddle rules, if you need to look over them.  Remember all, it’s August 9th.

Moving right along into today’s riddle, you’ll be searching for an object.

This was a singular object, which became two.

It is associated with several important “firsts”.

Many people thought this wasn’t possible, but it was.

Although it seems like yesterday, this took place some thirty years ago.

For a “first”, it was considered, as a whole, a success.

We lost something here due to human error.

And there you are… your clues for today.  Not as many as you might be used to, but we have to get you trimmed down and ready for the bonus riddle!

Good luck.  You know where to find me.

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