Obama now more unpopular in Arizona than any other State

AZ about to go fully GOP?

From Eric Dondero:

Stunning new poll numbers just released from an Arizona polling firm. Reported on by the Arizona Daily Star, July 18:

PHOENIX - Most Arizonans no longer think Barack Obama is doing a decent job as president.

A new Behavior Research Poll released Sunday shows that nearly four out of every 10 Arizonans now rate Obama's performance as poor or very poor. That's up 5 points from the same survey taken in January.

What's different is that the number of those who think he's doing an excellent or good job has plummeted.

Three months after taking office, fully 51 percent of Arizonans gave Obama positive ratings, even though the state went for hometown favorite John McCain in the 2008 election.

A 28% approval rating beats even hardline Republican Red States like Idaho, Utah and Alabama.

In the crosstabs other stunning info: Only 52% of all registered Democrats now support Obama. His support among Independents is down to 22%. Only 8% of self-described Republicans still give him a positive job approval.

Note - Arizona has three Democrat Congressmen. The three of them are in tight races for reelection. With two GOP Senators, a Republican Governor, and Republican control of both legislative bodies, the State could go all GOP in November.

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