South Carolina’s favorite son Alvin Greene: Wrong Party affiliation?

Winning the Country back from the "Terrorists and Communists" in charge

From Eric Dondero:

Alvin Greene, US Army Veteran and now Democrat nominee for US Senate in South Carolina, challenging incumbent Republican Sen. Jim DeMint is speaking a bit of a conservative tone, some might even say radical right. He gave his first major speech over the weekend to about 300 gathered supporters, mostly with the NAACP in a Manning high school gym.

According to the Political Wire, Greene made the following comment in his speech:

"Let's get South Carolina back to work from Alvin, South Carolina, to Greenville, South Carolina. Let's reclaim our country from the terrorists and the communists."

Interestingly, the local press described Greene as being surrounded by full-uniformed retired Master Seargants during the speech.

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