Putnam City North biology teacher wins national award

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Bethany Lorenz, a biology teacher at Putnam City North High School, is the 2012 recipient of the Outstanding Biology Teacher Award for Oklahoma.

Bethany Lorenz, a biology teacher at Putnam City North High School, is the 2012 recipient of the Outstanding Biology Teacher Award for Oklahoma. The award is given each year by the National Association of Biology Teachers to a life science teacher in each state who demonstrates exemplary practice in the teaching of life science. Photo provided

Although I oversee a great deal, the students are responsible for the design of their own experiment. Not only does this provide ownership for the students in their learning, but I find that students retain more information for longer period of time because their interest is piqued.

Bethany Lorenz

Putnam City North High School biology teacher

The award is given each year by the National Association of Biology Teachers to a life science teacher in each state who demonstrates exemplary practice in the teaching of life science.

Lorenz has been a biology teacher at Putnam City North since 2001 and will be teaching biology, anatomy and physiology in the coming school year.

A nationally board-certified teacher, she was named in March as teacher of the year for all Putnam City schools.

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Putnam City North biology teacher wins national award

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