FASEB SRC announces conference registration open for: Biology of the Immune System

Public release date: 30-Jan-2012
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Contact: Jessica Lyons
Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology

Bethesda, MD ? The Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB) announces the opening of registration for the Science Research Conference (SRC): Biology of the Immune System.

This conference will take place June24-29, 2012 in Snowmass, Colorado. The conference will bring key leaders and participants together in a small meeting format to discuss emerging areas of interest in Immunology. The nine major sessions will broadly cover the discipline and focus on areas that are currently under intense investigation. Participants stay in a secluded resort and share meals for the length of the conference, creating an atmosphere conducive to in depth discussions and collaborations. Together, the content and format of this meeting will provide participants with cutting edge knowledge about the immune system and the opportunity to interact with leaders in the field.


Since 1982, FASEB SRC has offered a continuing series of inter-disciplinary exchanges that are recognized as a valuable complement to the highly successful society meetings. Divided into small groups, scientists from around the world meet intimately and without distractions to explore new approaches to those research areas undergoing rapid scientific changes.

In recent years, the SRC series has expanded into non-summer months. To better enhance the SRC series and allow for future expansion of conferences, FASEB's Office of Scientific Meetings and Conferences recently changed the SRC name from Summer Research Conferences to Science Research Conferences.

FASEB SRC has announced a total of 36 SRCs in 2012, spanning from June through October. To register for an SRC, view preliminary programs, or find a listing of all our 2012 SRCs, please visit http://www.faseb.org/SRC.

Additionally, in efforts to continue expanding the SRC series, potential organizers are encouraged to contact SRC staff at SRC@faseb.org. Proposal guidelines can be found by clicking "Submit a Proposal" on our website at http://www.faseb.org/SRC.

FASEB is composed of 26 societies with more than 100,000 members, making it the largest coalition of biomedical research associations in the United States. Celebrating 100 Years of Advancing the Life Sciences in 2012, FASEB is rededicating its efforts to advance health and well-being by promoting progress and education in biological and biomedical sciences through service to our member societies and collaborative advocacy.

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FASEB SRC announces conference registration open for: Biology of the Immune System

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