Be younger now

Today is the moment. And now is the time to take action. The population of the world is aging at a rapid rate. And according to a 2011 research paper from the Harvard School of Public Health, there will be close to a billion people over the age of 60 by 2020, doubling to nearly two billion by 2050.

This staggering number represents 22 percent of the worlds population. And it can only translate to one realitythat the business of anti-aging (or aging, for that matter) is a serious one.

A report by the MIT Age Lab reveals that the 50 and above age group represents the fastest-growing segment worldwide.

This new phenomenon has catapulted the wellness industry to a booming global business. In a report by the Global Spa Summit, it was stated that the beauty and anti-aging segment of the wellness industry was valued at $679.1 billion in 2012. And its still growing.

Nothing instant

With the growing demand for treatments to delay aging, there has been an unprecedented spike in the clamor for the quick fix. Instant is the operative word. And suddenly mushrooming are spas, beauty centers, and even beauty parlors offering procedures that may be questionable and often risky.

We have known of many instances where patients have been disfigured or lost their lives due to excessive treatments promising quick transformations. Apart from the risks, all anti-aging treatments are expensive and not within the reach of the average individual.

Truth be told, recapturing ones youth isnt a matter of popping super pills, sophisticated regimens, injections or surgery. The most effective anti-aging regimen is good health. While this is not meant to disparage conventional medicine which can offer effective ways to address health and beauty challenges, it has long been observed by health experts that the quality of ones life offers a longer-lasting effect on ones overall well-being and personal good looks.

Working with nature

This scenario seems all too familiar.

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Be younger now

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