A mix of traditional, holistic medical care for patients

Dr. Susan Ashley, a family physician practicing in Liberty Lake, is also board certified in Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine and offers a mix of traditional and holistic medical care to patients of all ages. Her practice at Family Medicine Liberty Lake is a solo practice and also employs an ARNP, Heidi Kallestad. Together, they specialize in the following:

Bio-Identical hormone replacement therapy for both men and women. BHRT can reduce the risk of heart disease, dementia, osteoporosis and slow down the aging process. Unlike synthetic hormones, such as premarin, there is no increase in breast cancer risk. Balancing your hormones not only gives you more energy and vitality, but will make weight loss easier and increase lean muscle mass. These hormones include estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, adrenals, thyroid, growth hormone, insulin and melatonin.

Fatigue and fibromyalgia. So many patients are plagued with unrelenting fatigue, often with a mixture of fibromyalgia and muscle pain, with no discernable cause or treatment. Many go from doctor to doctor in an attempt to alleviate some of their symptoms. Dr. Ashley's program for chronic fatigue has a high success rate and addresses the many causes and contributing factors involved. This involves not only balancing the hormones and aggresively treating adrenal fatigue, but making sure nutrition is balanced and proper supplementation is given. Sleep must be restored, and latent infections which can cause ongoing symptoms must be treated.

The newest tool in her fight against these chronic disorders involves measurement of the electro-magnetic energy fields of the body, and correction when mis-alignments occur. Called "Energy Medicine," this is well known in Europe and Asia, and is just now being introduced in our country. Correction of the human body electro-magnetic field will greatly increase the success rate for patients, and indeed, some will simply not improve until this issue is addressed.

Bio-Medical Treatment approach for Autism and ADHD. Autism is treatable! Both autism and ADHD have a common root cause, and can be successfully treated and, in some cases, cured. Dr. Ashley follows the treatment protocol of Dr. Kenneth Bock, and treats the underlying biochemical, metabolic and neurologic defects with positive results in every case. Drugs are rarely used and, indeed, simply cover up the symptoms rather than get to the root cause of the disease.

Anti-Aging Medicine - or, as some are starting to call it, "Advanced Medicine." There are so many exciting advances in the field of anti-aging medicine. If a patient is truly motivated, there are many things one can do to not only increase longevity, but improve the quality of life, such that an active, vital and energetic life can be expected into the 80s, 90s, and even past 100! If one looks at our DNA, we should be living to 125 years, so why is it cut short? Diet and lifestyle play a big factor, and environmental toxins. Newer advances, such as TA-65, a telomerase activator that lengthens our telomeres, and stem cell therapies are now available. Proper supplementation with the correct vitamin and mineral combination is so important, and the difference between common food grade supplements, and medical and pharmaceutical grade supplements are taught to every patient.

Alzheimers and other dementias. Much can be done to slow down or reverse the devastation caused by dementias, including high doses of omega-3's, increasing cholesterol to 225 range, high dose anti-oxidants such as astaxanthin, and a combination of coconut oil and MCT (medium chain triglyceride) oil. Patients are referred to the book "Alzheimers, what if there is a Cure" by Dr. Mary Newport to follow her protocol.

Food sensitivities and allergies - gluten sensitivity is dramatically increasing and, if ignored, can have devastating long-term consequences. Food sensitivities can be treated and, in many cases, completely reversed.

Obesity and weight loss - our biggest challenge in our society! Dr. Ashley also owns Healthy Living Liberty Lake, a weight loss and wellness clinic, which is certified by the American Academy of Bariatric Physicians. Obesity is a complex disease and treatment involving many treatment modalities, including the proper diet, increasing the fat-burning enzymes, detoxification of environmental toxins that can impede weight loss, balancing the hormones, and education on whole foods, glycemic index and basic nutrition. Prescription strength hcg is available for increased fat burning and preservation of muscle during weight loss, and appetite suppressants are used short-term if needed. Every patient is individualized, and even genetic testing can be done to pinpoint what kind of diet, based on genetics, would best suit the patient.

IV Nutritional therapy is used for many different reasons, including as part of the treatment for chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, increased energy and vitality, to quickly rid a cold or flu, or as adjunctive therapy for those undergoing cancer treatments.

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A mix of traditional, holistic medical care for patients

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