105-year-old woman says bacon is the key to longevity

Bacon: Secret To A Long, Happy Life?

A 105-year-old Texas woman recently revealed her secret to her longevity: bacon.

Pearl Cantrell from Richland Springs, Texas, recently celebrated her 105th birthday with more than 200 guests. The event lasted three days.

"I love bacon, I eat it every day," Pearl Cantrell told NBC affiliate KRBC. "I don't feel as old as I am, that's all I can say."

Cantrell became a widow at age 38 and worked as everything from a cotton picker to a hay baler while raising seven kids on her own. Although Cantrell retired decades ago, she kept mowing her own lawn until the age of 100, according to the West Texas Tribune. She also still dances some of her favorite styles include country dancing, waltzing and two-stepping.

When Oscar Mayer found out about Cantrell's love of bacon, they sent one of their iconic Wienermobile to make a bacon delivery to Cantrell's home. Cantrell rode shot-bun in the Wienermobile through her hometown, as dozens of local residents watched.

"We've seen a lot of stories on the road, but nothing quite like this one, so we're excited to be here," an Oscar Meyer spokesman told Big Country Homepage. "We know shes an inspiration. Pearl is an inspiration for the community, and her friends and family. So we had to make a special stop here for her today."

A study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine last March found that eating a single serving of processed red meat (about the size of a deck of cards) every day increased the risk of participants dying prematurely by 13 percent. If a person ate an additional serving of processed red meat, the chance of drying during the 22 year study period jumped to 20 percent. However, a more recent study performed by the University of Zurich found the opposite: that eating little or no red meat can be a risk factor for early death.

Despite what research says, Cantrell plans to continue eating bacon and dancing.

"I love bacon, I could eat it for every meal and I do!" Cantrell said.

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105-year-old woman says bacon is the key to longevity

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