What Is More Important, Food Or Supplements? – Video

What Is More Important, Food Or Supplements?
rawmusclegain.com (Free 12 Part Series Here!) This answer is very simple, food intake is much more important. Sure some people report that they have a mediocre to slack diet and still get results from working out and consuming quality supplements, but their gains are nothing when compared to those who combine a highly nutritious diet with their regimen. Food is the building blocks for the body. It is the very essence that we create out cells with on a molecular level. For this reason, it is extremely important that we consume clean organic whole foods on a daily basis for increasing longevity of the body and it #39;s endless processes. Our bodies consist of 120 trillion individual cells, all with their own many systems going on internally. Each cell requires nutrients to keep the nucleus running effectively. This simply can #39;t be done on supplements alone. 10-20 servings of various organic vegetables, as I said before, plays a vital role. Combine this with lean clean proteins like wild salmon, free range chicken, lean elk steak, and include low glycemic index carbs such as wild rice, oatmeal, and sweat potato. These are examples of the types of foods you should be eating. Combine this healthy organic whole foods diet with proven effective and safe supplements along with consistently committing to your workout plan, and you will experience gains faster than you initially thought possible. But remember, food intake comes first.From:larz86Views:0 0ratingsTime:01:37More inEducation

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What Is More Important, Food Or Supplements? - Video

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