I'm Disappointed in the Americans That Want Their State to Secede – Video

I #39;m Disappointed in the Americans That Want Their State to Secede
@ByronThomas7 My name is Byron Thomas and America, I #39;m not happy about hearing people wanting their state to secede. This is the greatest country on earth and people want to break it apart. I know people are scared, but this is not how things were suppose to start. We talk about how we have to come together but remember, actions speak louder then words. People must really want history to repeat itself. Now it is unconstitutional for a state to secede, but it #39;s still never good to hear people that have lost hope in America. Now is the perfect time for Democrats and Republicans to come together and tell people to not sign these petitions. We cannot fall apart. I #39;m not attacking anyone that signed the petitions, but I #39;m just disappointed. I would look everyone in the eyes and tell yall that, America WILL NOT FALL!!! It #39;s in our American "DNA" for us to never quit or give up. Americans have always found a way to rise up again stronger than before. You just have to believe, because America WILL STAND!!! Kill People with Kindness and May God Bless AmericaFrom:GoGreen58Views:0 0ratingsTime:04:22More inNews Politics

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I'm Disappointed in the Americans That Want Their State to Secede - Video

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