30.Medical Biotechnology Cancer Biology.Part IVa.Cancer Basics NQ – Video

30.Medical Biotechnology Cancer Biology.Part IVa.Cancer Basics NQ
Nearly everyone knows someone touched by cancer and often these are family members. Cancer is not really just one disease, but a number of them with various underlying causes with a complex biology. Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Cancerous cells are also called malignant cells. Cancer grows out of normal cells in the body, usually originating from a single cell. What is the basic biology and origin of cancer? In this section, we attempt to describe the biology of cancer, giving the basics for understanding these diseases in Cancer Basics and Socio-Economic Burdens.From:Albert KauschViews:0 0ratingsTime:01:26:38More inScience Technology

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30.Medical Biotechnology Cancer Biology.Part IVa.Cancer Basics NQ - Video

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