Chris Christie to put referendum on Nov. ballot for Property Tax cap

Austerity is his middle name

From Eric Dondero:

The Nation's most fiscally austere governor is at it again. After introducing a budget with a proposed 8.5% spending cut from last year's budget to the legislature, on of all days, July 4, Governor Christie is now proposing a property tax cap for local municipalities.


He wants the electorate to vote on a referendum this November that would amend the New Jersey State Constitution. It would require that growth in property taxes be limited to 2.5 percent per year. If the referendum passed, municipalities/school boards wanting to exceed that limit would have to put the question to the voters and receive a super majority of 60 percent to override the cap.

Columnist Frank Hannon commented:

Christie has only been in office for six months and he has fundamentally changed the matrix of Trenton politics. He continues to outflank his opponents by going directly to the public.

But there's a catch. The heavily Democrat-controlled House and Senate must approve the referendum for the ballot.

It's a wait and see if Christie and the NJ public will prevail, or Democrats in the Legislature?

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