Invitation for Upcoming LLTech Webinar — October 21

LLTech is creating innovative techniques for cellular imaging of fresh tissue.  Recommend looking at this if you are involved with frozen sections, tissue banking, tissue mining, research and biobanking.

A reminder about our Light-CT webinar presentation - October 21st! 

Dear Industry Colleague, 

You are invited to join our webinar

Friday, October 21, beginning 11:30 am EDT.

Your host for this webinar:  Lisa Minor, Ph.D.


"Three-dimensional Osteogenic Differentiation on Polystyrene Scaffolds Imaged with the Light-CT Imaging System"

Presented by:

Carlos E. Caicedo-Carvajal, Ph.D. of 3D Biotek

The Light-CTTM is a unique, novel imaging system capable of performing 2-D and 3-D cellular digital imaging on fresh tissue without sacrificing the sample (even live animals), with a ~1 micron resolution in 2-D and 3-D.  

Several references to the technology are available on the links to left of this mail (see Application notes).

Dr. Caicedo-Carvajal completed his Doctorate in Biomedical Engineering from the Rutgers University/UMDNJ Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences.

He currently holds a position at 3D Biotek, characterizing and developing 3-dimensional (3-D) cell-based platforms using precision micro-fabricated polymer scaffolds. Dr. Caicedo-Carvajal is currently working on several projects, from 3-D perfusion bioreactor applications to development of Cancer Tissue Engineering applications using 3-D polymer scaffolds.

We sincerely think you will be interested in speaking with us next week or at a forthcoming webinar session!


Lisa Minor, Ph.D.

Scientific and Application Leader

LLTech, Inc.

103 Carnegie Center Drive, Princeton, NJ 08540

LLTECH is a MedNest Venture Partner

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Pathology Visions 2011

October 31 - November 2


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