Pathology publisher goes digital

Sage Scope Adds Deeper Look For Sage Journals Online Users

SAGE is adding a new feature to its SAGE Journals Online offerings with SAGE scope, a tool that provides readers with interactive slide imagery as supplements to articles posted on SAGE Journals Online. The digital pathology scanning and hosting will be provided by Flagship Biosciences, a digital pathology services firm, and powered by SlidePath’s Digital Image Hub software.

This new addition will allow readers to view the pathology slides not as a flat image, but as if they were seeing it under their own light microscope. The ultra-high resolution slide with the proper digitization software can pan, zoom, and focus slides while adding specific application functionality unique to each user.  Researchers are able to drill down to 20x magnification with rich detail and high resolution, giving them full access to all the data the author or authors saw when they took the sample.

“SAGE scope will help bridge the gap between just a picture and the ability to interact with a sample as the researcher did,” said Ron Epstein, SAGE Director, STM Journals. “This added feature allows SAGE journal readers to discover the information more closely to the way the author intended.”

SAGE is on of the first academic publishers to create an active digital database for pathology, and sees further potential for use in its medical journals.

“We’re excited to meet the needs of the market with this addition and know that not only will our authors see an added value, but those who utilize SAGE journals as well,” said Epstein.

SAGE scope can be seen now in selected SAGE Journals Online. To view the digital files please go to Select VetPath, Volume 48, Issue 1.



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