InView Training Through Simulation in Thames Histopathology Training School

 “i-Path’s InView is a useful additional learning resource which complements the traditional methods of teaching” Dr Sarah Hill, Joint Chair, Thames Histopathology Training School.

The Thames Histopathology Training School is the largest in the UK with over 100 trainee posts in the program.  Training is undertaken in 12 training centres across England.

InView is an online platform aimed at training pathologists and biomedical scientists in diagnostics cytology and histology. InView uses a completely innovative approach to education in diagnostic practice.

“Our trainees find InView very useful. It helps them to bridge the gap between learning from the text books and double headed reporting of real cases with consultants” Dr Sarah Hill, Joint Chair, Thames Histopathology Training School.

InView supplements traditional learning methods with virtual case material, integrating on-line education into pathology training, by combining digital images, e-learning tools and streaming video used to deliver virtual case material in pathology.

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