Canadian Hockey Nutrition Experts Presenting to Hockey Parents, Coaches, and Players on April 7th at Nepean SportsPlex …

OTTAWA, March 25, 2013 /CNW Telbec/ - Sunday, April 7th at the Nepean Sportsplex in Ottawa, Ontario you can come learn everything you ever wanted to know about nutrition for the sport of ice hockey.

Registered Dietitians, Pearle Nerenberg and Denis Collier have been involved with hockey all their lives. Last month they combined their passions of sport nutrition and hockey with the launching of the Hockey Nutrition Network - an international non-profit group dedicated to linking the hockey community with top sports dietitians (you can become a member for free by signing up at

"The fact that what and how you eat can make a difference in helping you become the best hockey player you can possibly be is becoming more and more well accepted these days", said Collier. "However there is still a lot of misinformation out there. The goal of this network is to provide hockey players with the most reliable, up to date information that is based on scientific research".

The network's inaugural open house and seminar is occurring right in the middle of the Women's World Hockey Championships - yet another great reason for the hockey fan to be in Ottawa that weekend. The open house kicks off at 9:00AM and goes until 12:45PM. Any interested players, coaches, parents, trainers or fans are encouraged to drop by, meet the Hockey Dietitians and ask any questions you may have about nutrition for hockey performance. Additionally, at 9:30, 10:30 and 11:30AM there will be brief information sessions to answer those questions most frequently asked by hockey players.

From 1:00-4:00PM that afternoon the learning gets taken to the next level. At this time the Hockey Dietitians will be presenting a seminar detailing some of the more advanced issues of nutrition for hockey performance. Topics covered will include:

To register for the afternoon seminar visit Admission to the afternoon seminar is $30.

SOURCE: Hockey Nutrition Network

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Canadian Hockey Nutrition Experts Presenting to Hockey Parents, Coaches, and Players on April 7th at Nepean SportsPlex ...

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